Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to decide between two great potential tenants

All landlords dream about finding that perfect tenant. But what happens when you find two?

It might sound like a pipe dream, but there are lots of good quality renters out there, and if you find yourself in the company of more than one tenant who makes a good first impression, has a stable monthly income, and passes the tenant screening process with flying colors, it can be difficult to decide which one should get the keys and the lease.

What you don’t want to do is let your personal biases become discriminatory, thereby violating Fair Housing laws. The first thing to do is to compare their tenant screening reports side by side and see whether one rises to the top based on cold hard facts (including the credit rating and background check). If not, think about other factors, like the stability of their respective employers, the length of time they’ve worked there, and how long you expect them to live there.

Make the decision based on who is the better risk, not on which one you think you like better or which one you are personally more comfortable with. And when you think you’ve made your decision, justify it to yourself on paper so that you are sure there are no illegal biases at play.

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