Monday, April 22, 2013

Lawmakers Write Bedbug Bill with Tenants and Landlords

Add Connecticut to the list of states that are trying to pass new laws to aid in the fight against bedbug infestations in rentals. To make sure the bill was written in fairness to both parties, Connecticut lawmakers met with both landlord and tenant legal representatives to hash out the details. If the bill passes the state Senate, both tenants and landlords would have some responsibility in ridding a rental home of a nasty bedbug invasion.

The bill calls for tenants to act responsibly by reporting any bedbug infestations immediately to their landlords. The tenants would also be responsible for preparing the living space for treatment by certified professionals. In turn, the landlords would be responsible for covering the cost of treatments until the pests are eradicated from the property. However, if the tenants do not cooperate with providing access to a qualified exterminator, they would have to assume the cost of treatments. The bill includes legal ramifications if either party does not comply.

Landlords also would not be able to rent out a home if they know it is infested with bedbugs, and has not yet been treated. They also have to inform prospective tenants of any treatments that occurred in the past 60 days.

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